Happy Easter Monday

Actually the practice of decorating eggshells is ancient, predating even Christian traditions.  

Ostrich eggs, with engraved decorations have been found in Africa that date from 60 000 years ago!! (yes, I checked the date a few times as well)
5000 years ago, the Sumerians and the Egyptians were leaving them in graves. 

The Christian custom of the Easter egg can be traced as far as the early Christians of Mesopotamia, who colored eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ, shed at his crucifixion. 

The story and the history of this incredible custom is far more complex and extraordinary than I expected.  But after I had a quick search on the internet about Easter eggs  I was fascinated by the amount of information our there. 

All I wanted to say after all is Happy Easter Monday and show you some of my photos

a bowl of coloured Easter eggs

three coloured Easter egg

a collage with images of Easter eggs

Easter egg

two coloured Easter eggs

three coloured Easter eggs

one red Easter egg

My boxer always wants to know what is happening and what I am doing

Easter eggs collage

Happy Easter everyone!!! 
